Drive Your Talents Case Study

Drive Your Talents exceeded the expectations of Euroclear in Scandinavia. The results have been fantastic, says Anso Thiré, CEO Euroclear Sweden and Finland. For Euroclear’s Scandinavian businesses, implementing a personal development program known as Drive-Your-Talents created a more harmonious working environment within the newly merged subsidiaries. The Communicum program began an ongoing process of creating insight and self-awareness for employee

Richard’s Corner

Every Management and HR (online) magazine I have received during the last 12 months contains at least one article related to Talent Management: the importance of identifying people´s real talents, developing it, finding ways to maximising usage, and of course to retain it. It´s extremely encouraging that this has become a “hot topic” because understanding how to do this, and then making it happen, is an essential key to success for all organisations irrespective of their size or industry.